Public Works Getting Started Guide for Resellers
User Guide
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Learn how to set up a Public Works Customer, including how to set up a database, install and provision the IOX-WRKS, and enable and configure Public Works MyGeotab features. Browse the provided additional resources for more information on the Public Works solution.
Getting Started Guide for Partners
November 2022
Congratulations on securing a Public Works deal! Wondering what to do next?
This document aims to guide you, the Partner, through the actions required to get your Customer up and running as quickly and smoothly as possible.
✱ NOTE: This document is not intended to replace more detailed documentation. This guide, along with the Public Works bootcamp slide presentations and associated links, are intended for use as a reference.
This document highlights how to prepare for installation, install and provision IOX-WRKS, and enable and configure Public Works MyGeotab features.
Glossary of terms
Terms | Definition |
GO9/GR9/GO9+ | The GO9/GO9 RUGGED/GO9+ are telematics devices required for vehicle tracking, and the means of data transmission. |
IOX-WRKS | The IOX-WRKS is required for the GO9 Device to interface with the spreader controller. |
Spreader Specific Cable | A cable is required to connect the IOX-WKRS cable to the specific controller. |
IOX-AUXM | (Optional) Used to make auxiliary input connections. One IOX-AUXM supports up to four inputs, but two IOX-AUXMs can be chained together to support up to eight inputs. |
Getting started
As a Partner, it is your responsibility to complete the actions outlined in the following sections, before the Customer can start their IOX-WRKS installations.
Gathering customer information
Gather information from the customer about the project/requirements:
- It’s recommended to have a project manager to champion the project requirements and installations. To help with organization efforts, the Customer and/or Partner can complete the Vehicle List template to keep track of vehicle information before installations.
- Review with the Customer as required the compatible spreader controllers list.
- Discuss any Materials Management report requirements
- Discuss Custom Mapping requirements
- Engage customer’s own GIS contacts as required.
- Customer and their GIS contact can review Custom Map details here for requirements/info
- Discuss Geospatial Reporting (Route Completion) requirements.
- Engage customer’s own GIS contacts as required.
- Customer and their GIS contact can review/refer to the Route Completion User guide here for requirements.
Ordering products
You must order the following products for your Customer to use the Public Works solution with a spreader controller:
- GO9 device with applicable rate plan, as required
- T-harness, as required
- Controller-specific integration cable
Integration cables are specific to the spreader controller head make and model. To ensure the appropriate integration cable is used, refer to this guide: Public Works Controller Integrations [PUBLIC]
✱ NOTE: The IOX-WRKS cable is required to obtain spreader controller data. However, not all Public Works MyGeotab features require data communicating via the IOX-WRKS cable. Therefore, the hardware requirements depend on your customer’s needs.
MyAdmin order processing
When ordering the GO9 device, the T-Harness, IOX-WRKS and the spreader specific cable, follow your standard ordering process by logging into MyAdmin. The IOX-WRKS cable is ordered from the IOX section of the MyAdmin Store. Please refer to the MyAdmin User Guide for further details.
Setting up the database
Once you have ordered the required products, you must set up the MyGeotab database on behalf of the Customer. For new Customers, you must first create a new MyGeotab database. For existing Customers, you can use the existing MyGeotab database.
Use the MyGeotab Quick Reference Guide for any step-by-step instructions as noted below.
Once the database is created:
- Create a parent group specific to Public Works in MyGeotab — i.e. a group called “Public Works”.
- Add the Customer’s fleet vehicles (including Public Works fleet vehicles) to the MyGeotab database using the Vehicles page in MyGeotab — same as when onboarding a new Customer.
✱ NOTE: Please ensure that all vehicles with spreader controllers are on the ProPlus Public Works Rate Plan. This ensures the communication of spreader controller data to the MyGeotab servers.
- Add the Customer’s users to the database.
- Create the Customer’s designated ‘Public Works’ zones along with a zone type if desired. This ensures Public Works-specific zones (i.e. depots) are categorized correctly for future reporting.
- Assign all Public Works-related assets, users, and zones to the Public Works group.
- Review Security clearances to enable features and reports for users related to Public Works (ie. Route Completion or Materials management reports)
As setting up Public Works is a complex process of preparation, information gathering, setup, and installations, it is understandable that the above steps may be done during the entire preparation process before and after installs.
Service user account
To support IOX-WRKS firmware updates and over the air (OTA) support for all Public Works customer databases, please submit a MyAdmin support ticket to advise Geotab with your customer’s database name before the installation.
! IMPORTANT: The Geotab Public Works Support team will set up a service account as part of the Public Works process for any customer with spreader controllers. This user account is for IOX-WRKS firmware updates. Partners and Customers are to be aware of this user in MyGeotab — please DO NOT REMOVE the following user account from your list of users:
- Name: mdmaccount
- Email:
✱ NOTE: This email address is not monitored. Please do not send emails or reports to this email address.
Service groups (Optional)
If geospatial reporting (Route Completion or Live Route display) is part of the Customer solution, the creation of a service group in MyGeotab is required. Subsequent to the Public Works group, create a separate service group for each type of route that has customer-provided GIS data (e.g. plow, sidewalk, waste management, etc.). The vehicles associated with each service group must be defined and added to the groups. For example, service groups allow the Plow Route Completion map view & report or Live Route display to only include vehicles tagged as snow plows in a service group.
Please engage the customer’s GIS data department to review the geospatial requirements.
✱ NOTE: This step is only required if the Customer has opted in to use geospatial reporting (e.g. Route Completion).
To configure and install Route Completion shapefiles into your MyGeotab database, refer to the Route Completion user guide here. Live Route is available in MyGeotab version 8.0 in Feature Preview. Ensure ‘Live Route Tracking’ is set to ‘ON’ in the users Feature Preview tab settings (Administration > Users).
Installation prerequisites
IOX-WRKS preparation
Prior to the scheduled installation date, it is important to verify that the hired Geotab-certified Installer is familiar with the following information:
- IOX-WRKS installation documentation
- Spreader-specific installation documents
- Enabling simulation mode on the controller
✱ NOTE: If the Installer is unfamiliar with how to enable simulation mode, please contact the Geotab Field Services team prior to the installation day for assistance. Knowledge of simulation mode is required as part of the installation verification process
Provisioning IOX-WRKS cables
The IOX-WRKS requires a material spreader-specific configuration to function.
There are 2 methods to provision the IOX-WRKS cable for the required spreader controller:
- If the customer has any custom spreader controller configurations, please create a MyAdmin support ticket to provide customer database details to the Public Works support team as soon as possible before the installation date. This step is required to facilitate the IOX-WRKS installation check. On the installation date, the Installer/Partner then calls Public Works support to perform the install check which completes the provisioning process.
- Partner uses the new Self-serve provisioning add-in.
The provisioning steps above require the GO9 device and IOX-WRKS cable to be installed and are successfully communicating (while Ignition ON) to complete the provisioning process.
✱ NOTE: If you are installing an IOX-WRKS and do not require any custom configurations, please proceed to Method 2.
Method 1: Database name submission — MyAdmin Support ticket
Place a MyAdmin support ticket with the customer’s database and URL information before installation day:
- Log into MyAdmin
- Navigate to Support > Helpdesk.
- On the Geotab Support Helpdesk page, click the Submit New Ticket tab at the top of the screen.
- Indicate in the Support Category ‘Public Works’ and complete the inquiry and details. Please include:
- MyGeotab URL (for example:[database name])
- Database name
- Click Review. Once you are satisfied with your ticket details, click Submit.
Method 2: Partner/Customer self-serve provisioning Add-In
This newly developed self-service add-in to set the spreader controller configuration and perform installation checks is now available. It will allow Partners and/or Customers to perform their own provisioning of the IOX-WRKS cable and verify the data is communicating from the spreader controller during the installation check.
The link to add-in install instructions and the how-to user guide is here. This Add-In can also be found on the Geotab Marketplace.
Installation process
Day of scheduled installation
On the day of the scheduled installation, contract or employ a Geotab Public Works Certified Installer and verify that the Installer and Customer have the following required hardware and information:
- GO9/GO9 RUGGED/GO9+ device
- IOX-WRKS (for installations that involve spreader/temperature integration)
✱ NOTE: For more information, please refer to the IOX-WRKS support document.
- IOX-AUXM (for installations that only require additional telemetry — for example, plow, wing, manual spreader etc.)
- Spreader-specific cable
- Programming devices (i.e. USB keys, keyboards, etc., if applicable) to enable data logging
- Appropriate controller installation document. For more information on this and telemetry inputs, please refer to the Winter Solutions Install Guide.
- Geotab Public Works Support contact information
- Understanding the provisioning requirements
Provisioning and installation checks
Contacting Geotab Support
Once the GO9 device and IOX-WRKS cable is connected and if your IOX-WRKS cable requires a custom configuration, the installer will need to contact Geotab Public Works support to verify the data flow and complete the provisioning of the IOX-WRKS. Public Works support needs the following:
- Database name
- GO9 device serial number
- Spreader controller head make and model
- (If applicable) Whether the temperature sensor is connected through the controller or into the IOX-WRKS secondary serial port
! IMPORTANT: The provisioning and data validation process may take up to one hour, and it is important to set the Installer’s expectation accordingly.
You may choose to expedite the process by provisioning the hardware prior to the installation. To do so, connect the IOX-WRKS to the GO9 device and power the GO9 device using a test bench station. Once the GO9 device connects, contact Geotab Public Works support to provision the hardware.
✱ NOTE: This method causes the GO9 device to log a GPS point at your facility. If you have a bench tester set up and your Customer is not concerned with the logged GPS point, the Installer is not required to contact Geotab Public Works Support to verify the data validation on the scheduled installation date.
Self-Serve provisioning and installation check tool (Spreader Controller Add-in)
The Partner and/or Customer installer will be able to provision and perform installation checks via the MyGeotab database by using a new add-in (Method 2 as per above). The link to add-in install instructions and the how-to user guide is here.
MyGeotab Public Works features & setup options
MyGeotab features related to Public Works are found in the database. Some features are still in Feature Preview mode, meaning the customer must enable Feature Preview to view and use these features. For further reference on these features, review the Public Works Features Customer User Guide.
To help your Customer obtain their Public Works spreader controller data more efficiently, it is recommended that the Partner sets up and/or enables the following in the MyGeotab database:
Materials Management rules
- Enable the default Materials Management rules based on the customer’s needs for monitoring spreader controllers or plow activity.
- Exceptions will show on the Map, and Exception Reports can be run based on these rules.
Materials management report — Trip based
- Shows rate and totals of material spread/usage by Trip
- Configure or show how to configure the default/advanced Materials Management report on the customer’s Dashboard or set up an Email schedule
Materials management report — Route based
- Shows rate and totals of material spread/usage by Route
- Configure or show how to configure the default/advanced Materials Management report on the customer’s Dashboard or set up an Email schedule
Custom maps (if required — existing MyGeotab feature)
- Customer to engage their GIS department to assist as needed
- Resource: Custom Map Guide
Route completion
- Customer to engage their GIS department to assist as needed
- To validate customer GIS data in-house prior to database upload, Resellers may consult this guide: Public Works: Route Shapefile Validation (Partner Guide)
- Resources:
- Route Completion configuration with a Shapefile
- Route Completion configuration with a Shapefile & MyGeotab Upload (Video)
- Route Completion Excel/CSV Import
- Uploading Excel Routes and RCR Setup (Video)
- Common Mistakes & FAQs for Uploading Routes to MyGeotab
- Common Mistakes & FAQs for Uploading Routes to MyGeotab (Video)
Live Route Tracking (Live service map)
! IMPORTANT: Before using Live Route Tracking, ensure that you configure Route Completion with appropriately defined Service Groups, and upload GIS route data to MyGeotab. For more information, refer to the section above.
- Navigate to Administration > System… > System Settings.
- On the System Settings page, select the Route completion tab, then click to expand the Live Route Tracking section to create and edit Service Windows.
- Select the Service rule to create the intervals.
- Click Add new time window to add a new Service Window.
- Enter a Label, and select a service time interval and color to display on the Live Route map. The color indicates when the route was last serviced.
✱ NOTE: If the Service time window is not required, click Remove in the Service Window section.
- Once complete, click Save.
Vehicle data display (Beta)
- Map Add-in to display Vehicle data
- Install via customer’s database: MyGeotab > Marketplace
- OR install Add-in script manually: Administration > System > System Settings > Add-ins > New Add-in
- Resource: Vehicle Data Display (beta)
- ✱ NOTE: Ensure ‘Allow unsigned add-ins’ is set to On.
Geotab Public Works support
Geotab Public Works Support Contact Information |
| |
Phone Number | 1-800-984-6175 | |
Hours of Operation | Monday to Friday — 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST Saturday — 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST |
Geotab Public Works Support will assist the Installer with the following when on-site:
- Receive installation-related support
- Apply the appropriate controller configuration file when required
- Verify and validate the installation before leaving the installation site