Support Document

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Geotab Integrated Solution for International Trucks

Name in MyGeotab UI

Data Frequency 2

(Navistar Premium)

GPS Coordinates

Every 5 seconds


Event based (ignition change)

Engine road speed

Every 5 seconds


Every 5 seconds

Acceleration forward or braking 1

Reported only when value is above threshold

Acceleration side to side 1

Reported only when value is above threshold

Accelerator pedal position

Every 5 minutes

Telematics device voltage

On ICE vehicles: Available only after the battery drops below 11 Volt. When data is available, it’s sent every 5 minutes

On EV: Event based

Engine operational time

Every 5 minutes as well as event (ignition change)

Total engine idle time

Every 5 minutes

Engine speed

Every 5 minutes

Total fuel used (since telematics device install)

Every 5 minutes

Total fuel used while idling (since telematics device install)

Every 5 minutes

Power takeoff total fuel used (since telematics device install)

Every 5 minutes

Gear position

Every 5 minutes as well as event (gear change)

Parking brake (1 = on)

Event based (only at ignition ON)

Fuel level (percentage)

Every 5 minutes

Coolant level

Event based (only at ignition ON)

Engine load

Every 5 minutes

Engine oil temperature

Every 5 minutes

Engine coolant temperature

Every 5 minutes

Engine intake manifold 1 temperature

Every 5 minutes

Tire pressure: axle # tire #

Every 5 minutes

Tire temperature: axle # tire #

Every 5 minutes

Flashing amber light (1 = on)

Event based

Dash warning light amber lamp (1 = on)

Event based (only at ignition ON)

Dash warning light red lamp (1 = on)

Event based (only at ignition ON)

Idle shutdown timer enabled (1 = enabled)

Event based (only at ignition ON)

Corresponding Fault Code / DTC

Event based

Generic state of charge [%]

Every 15 seconds

Electric vehicle charging state (0 = not charging / 1 = AC charging / 2 = DC charging)

Event based

Electric vehicle distance remaining [Km]

Every 60 seconds

Hybrid/EV battery temperature [degC]

Every 15 seconds

Electric vehicle battery total energy out while driving (since telematics device install) [kWh]

Event based

Electric vehicle battery total energy in while driving (since telematics device install)

Event based

Electric vehicle battery total energy out during DC charging (since telematics device install) [kWh]

Event based

Electric vehicle battery total energy in during DC charging (since telematics device install) [kWh]

Event based

Outside air temperature

Every 60 seconds

Telematics device voltage

Event based

1. Reported only when data thresholds are breached:

  1. Forward acceleration (Hard Acceleration): Greater than 0.6G
  2. Backward acceleration (Harsh Braking): Greater than 0.6G (-ve direction)
  3. Side to side acceleration (Harsh Cornering): Greater than 0.6G

2. The stated frequency shall be interpreted as the minimal, as a Data Attribute comes in via its own stream, as well as certain events. E.g. GPS Location has its own stream, where data comes in every 5 seconds. When harsh braking occurs, additional GPS Location data comes in. The result is GPS Location appearing more frequently than every 5 seconds on MyGeotab
